I'm thrilled to announce that The Man Who Was Afraid of Falling has been shortlisted for the prestigious British Animation Awards 2012. Founded by Jayne Pilling in 1996, the awards have been running for fifteen years and showcase the work of the best talent in the country, new and old. Here's what the copy on the website says about the awards.
We’re back - and busy preparing for the next British Animation Awards, which will take place March 15, 2012, at the BFI on the Southbank. The British Animation Awards is a totally unique event: the only one that brings together all the key players, and emerging and established talent, from the many and varied sectors of the UK animation scene, for an evening that is very different – and we think rather more fun! – than most Awards events.There is another stage of selection before the final award nomination but I'm really pleased simply to be shortlisted. You can read an article about the awards (albiet a fairly old one from 2004) on the BBC here.
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