Thursday, 11 November 2010


Paint is the 'plastic' element which ties the various storytelling techniques together. The film will use three-dimensional puppet animation, not dissimilar to early Eastern European animation techniques, and will also feature paint on glass. Paint being the binding element and is important in order for these visual languages to gel on screen.

The 2d paint on glass sections will be animated separately and later composited over the stop-motion footage using a programme called After Effects. These overlay animations serve to enhance the storytelling through thought-bubbles and diagrams. The puppet will have a relatively painterly face and the props, sets and backgrounds will have an impressionistic, illustrational aesthetic to them. I have been looking at various painters and approaches as well as researching scenic art.

Amedeo Modigliani
Amedeo Modigliani
Portrait of Madam Pompadour, 1915
Oil on canvas, 61 x 50.4 cm
Ceroni 57
Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago
Joseph Winterbotham Collection, 1938.217

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